Let’s start with a new series about different useful tools, well at least I think they are useful for me ;-). Today in the showcase: „FreeMind“.
Have you ever needed to make a mind map, maybe after a brain storming session in the office? I’m sure you know the commercial tool MindManager. FreeMind is a free alternative under the GPL. It is avaiable for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux as it has been written with Java. All you need is a installed Java RE (> 1.4). It’s very easy to use and it misses no features. The export functions are impressive. You can even export an interactive mind map to flash and place it on your website.
Different languages like English, French, Italian or German are already build in. You can download the program at the official homepage. I suggest you install the latest beta version (0.9.0 (Beta 9)), I had no problems with this version.